Friday 6 October 2017

"Connected, but alone?" Response to TedTalk

Sherry Turkle has made a lot of good points about being alone and trying to stay connected via technology. She says that when people are alone even for a few seconds they feel uncomfortable and therefore, they go on their devices. I can relate to this as I always pull out my phone whenever I’m out in public by myself. We want to feel connected especially when there is no one around us and because technology allows us to do so, we constantly rely on it. I agree with Turkle when she mentions that if we aren’t able to be alone then we are going to be more lonely. However, using our devices to connect won’t actually make us more lonely if we remember to lift our heads up often and connect with others without the help of our screens.

1 comment:

  1. I am always pulling out my phone when I am alone in public too, especially when waiting in lines, on the bus. I like how it gives you a sense of companionship even when you are by yourself. It can go too far though, like you said, if we do not remember to interact and connect with the world around us.
